
I started this blog with one semester remaining at Wake Forest University. I’m preparing to move to New York after college where I will be working for Bank of America in Corporate Audit.

With my free-time accumulating faster than the pimples on a pubescent teen I’ve turned to writing to escape the boredom that many college seniors face. I know what you’re thinking. Blogging? Why aren’t you filling up your free time with booze, boges, and babes? Don’t worry there is plenty of time for everything. But why writing? My grandparents, who are both avid writers, are the source of my inspiration. In their mid-eighties, they are two of the most intelligent, insightful people that I know while many people their age are about as sharp as a butter knife. The mind is a muscle that needs to continue to be stretched and strengthened. Free from any restrictions on convention and grammar I write on a whim and hope that my readers (If I ever have any) will find some sort of value in my rambling. Because as Gordan Gekko once said, “the most valuable commodity I know of is information.”

I begin my blog, which is financial in nature, at a volatile time in the US. At the beginning of January 2016 the Dow Jones headed for the third drop of more than 1% and the global equity market have seen its worst start of the year since 2000. Commodities have been hit hard over the past few months as a global glut in oil has dropped prices to close to $30 a barrel. China continues to struggle and for the second time this week they have closed down the Chinese exchange. At the center of this drama is a weakening Yuan. Politically the US is continuing to further its divide and this damn polarity continues to increase between parties. Voters seem to continue to gravitate to the most extreme candidates on both spectrums as both Trump and Sanders have yet to fall out of the race. Finally, with a tumultuous Middle East and global terrorist attacks in places such as Paris and San Bernardino this is truly a turbulent era.


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